Wednesday 24 December 2014

Wednesday 23 July 2014

'Bout time ...

About time I posted some new art on the blog. As some of you will know I'm being treated for cancer at the moment so things are up and down. I did these pieces just before I was operated on , for the latest ish of Little Shoppe of Horrors - the Hammer film magazine I contribute art to with such comic luminaries as Bruce Timm , Neil Vokes and Shane Oakley. The latest magazine concentrates on their early 1970s Shaw Fu combo horror about Dracula and seven mythical golden vampires ! I managed three pieces for the issue but grab a copy because there is plenty of other art and good reading to be had.


Sunday 8 June 2014

Saturday 3 May 2014


This is the initial illustration I finished for the POISON SKYS Timeteam page.Editorial loved it before they realised I'd goofed and drawn it the wrong dimensions!This issue required a vertical piece of art. I  accepted my mistake and set about drawing a third image for the issue - Donna about to clobber the Sontaran guard ( seen in the latest mag). So here's what we'd orginally lovingly planned so you can at least enjoy it here.

Monday 7 April 2014

Wednesday 19 February 2014


                                                     Out May 2014.

Thursday 6 February 2014



                                               City of Death inks.

Friday 31 January 2014


Back in the 90s the UKCAC comics convention was the big event of the comics pro's year. Guest artists were invited to submit pin-ups for a Convention booklet - this year I seem to recall Superman was the theme. I was at the very start of my comics career working in what I thought an original style for the DREDD MEGAZINE ( on KARYN) and DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE (on THE CYBERMEN). My work was very much design oriented back then and this is a good example. Never drawn Superman since!

Thursday 9 January 2014


The two rough layouts were drawn quickly on a Cintiq 22HD screen. These I sent to the client who chose layout 2 ( though liked both). Then on a new layer I drew the *proper* pencils. I'm still new to using the Cintiq but am favouring using a marker pen to match the technical pencil I would use on paper. Once happy with the pencils I printed this off and traced it onto a piece of Strathmore Bristol board 300 Series. Next I made any final changes to the pencils and inked it with a Pilot DR drawing pen 0.5 ( my usual inking weapon of choice).

For colours I used a mix of Winsor @ Newton coloured inks and Dr Martens Concentrated watercolors . I was struggling to find a suitable colour scheme until eureka ! - I remembered those great 1970s Weetabix cards. They included a lovely 70's vibe Tom Baker which I unashamedly used as a guide for my artwork!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

PROMETHEUS design sketch

I quite liked the idea of Mary Shelley's infamous monster being named Prometheus. This was a quick sketch done when I had a bit of idle time on my hands.

I'm now on Tumblr

My Tumblr page begins today!