Sunday, 13 December 2009


I've been getting interested in painting again recently. This was done for a competition quite a few years back - part of a set of pix for THE GREAT GATSBY. I've reworked this as a nightime shot - painted in acrylics with digital finishes.



  1. Just brilliant, lovely, juicy brushstrokes, great framing, fantastic use of light and dark. Love it to bits!

  2. Thanks Dan ! I thought this one might slip under the radar here - not being the usual pen/ink/colour stuff and being from the Archives if you like. Back in the late 1980's I did alot of easel painting illustrations for Womans magazines mostly. They used to run fiction that needed art - a great way in for hungry young artists to get work. I should root a few more out - the semi decent ones.

    I keep thinking about working at the easel again but then the computer sucks me in and seems easier. Maybe in 2010...

    thanks man ,

