Monday, 3 September 2012


These two illustrations were done for a biochemical magazine. Former DWM editor Gary Gillatt roomed with the editor and passed on my name when he was looking for an artist. Most of the articles were aimed at the professional biochemist so I had no idea what they were on about. I had to come up with interesting images to brighten up the magazine. Before I went full time as an illustrator I worked for a number of artists agencies and briefed plenty of our artists on these type of commissions. I tried to recall how they would of approached jobs like these but I think I came up short. I did about 5 or 6 artworks for the magazine before I was shown the door.


  1. Good grief - editorial work must be SO boring. That'll be why they pay well. Relatively. You talk these down, but I've seen a lot, lot worse. Sometimes you wonder how people get paid for what they produce.
    I have to say, tho, I do like the angles you've taken on these, and the £ one is pretty powerful

  2. Now I remember I think the brief was about Christmas bonus' - remember them? - no me neither. Anyway alot of magazines use metaphorical/ symbolical illustrations or did to spruce up dry subjects. Now advertising is better paid but magazines is still at the low end - like comics . I'm much more a narrative type illustrator but every so often it's good to test yourself elsewhere. When I find the rest of my Biochemist art I'll no doub't share them if for no other reason to spice things up!
